Welcome to Sacred Systems, a blog where you’ll find my writings on mathematics, computer science, economics, politics, philosophy, and more.
(This page is under construction, but you might still find some interesting things here.)
I was a software engineer (Stripe and Atrium LTS) in a former life, which I left long ago to embark on a lifelong pursuit of the "truth." A vague mission perhaps, but every step of the journey has brought me joy, wonder, and insight into the mystery of life. Along the way, I've developed inclinations towards mathematics, economics, politics, various branches of philosophy, theology, psychology, and the study of consciousness. I dream of developing a rigorous set of maxims for how an individual ought to live in response to one's circumstances, as well as for how social, political, and economic systems ought to be organized.
Topics that I have recently been invested in: mechanism design, behavioral economics, political economy, decentralized finance, and memetics.
Schools of thought that I often find myself aligned with: anti-nihilism, altruism, narrativism, fallibilism/academic skepticism/radical probabilism, monism, minimalism.
Economic thinking tools that I apply in day-to-day life: cost-benefit analysis, interior solution, Bayes' rule, expected value, repeated games, exponential discounting, and signaling equilibria (yes, I may be a bit professionally deformed).
Topics that I am excited to dive into are: complex systems, chaos theory, artificial intelligence, operations research, network science, and topology.
Various things that have tickled me over the years include: Hughes arrows, folds, transducers, LR parsers, Myerson's Lemma, and Perfect Bayesian Equilibria.
Technologies I love: Haskell, OCaml, LISP, Cycle.js, TypeScript, ReScript, swc, nomnoml, manim, neovim, and tmux.
Podcasts I frequent: Sean Carroll's Mindscape, Making Sense with Sam Harris, and Philosophize This! with Stephen West.
Content creators I love: 3Blue1Brown, Gary Bernhardt, Veritasium, Primer, Nicky Case, Kurzgesagt, and Li Ziqi.
Favorite movie: Arrival (2016)
Favorite TV show: Black Mirror
Favorite short story: Ted Chiang - The Merchant and the Alchemist Gate